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Kila la kheri. 
(All the best.)

Empowerment from Farm to Market.

HA-RA-KA-TI / noun.

Harakati is derived from the Arabic word "harakat" meaning "movement". From the time a seed is planted, it's in constant motion as it is grown, harvested and processed - all the way until the final product is in your hands.


A product is just a product unless it dignifies and honors the people who made it

Then it can impact the world.



Our brand is designed to engage entire value chains by offering a direct connection to the people and places where our products are grown. With coffee as our first product line, we not only connect directly with farmers, but also educate baristas and customers to create growth right here in the community where we work.


Our Mission

We exist to increase access to dignified work, produce traceable specialty products, and educate consumers toward meaningful and ethical consumption.

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Harakati offers courses for coffee professionals and consumers to grow on the coffee journey.


Our roasting lab is where we craft each coffee we offer with precision and detail. We want consumers to have access to what the best coffee in Tanzania tastes like.

Coffee Bar

Come and experience specialty Tanzanian coffee right here in Dar es Salaam. Our talented baristas are ready to welcome you!


Stop by our coffee bar in Dar es Salaam 


Join us in our effort to bring hope through dignified work.

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